There are many ways for you to connect or serve at Cumberland!
Cumberland Presbyterian Women's Ministry is led by Mary Kay Donnell and Beverly Sloan.
The Cumberland Men's Fellowship meets on the second Wednesday of each month (either at 11:30 am for lunch or at 6 pm for food and fellowship in the church). The group has aided in improvements for the church and supported area families in need. Rob Latimer is the President. Steve Graves is the Vice-President; Milton Wright is the Treasurer and Steve Graves is the Secretary.
Love to sing? We'd love to have you sing with us. The Cumberland Choir is directed by Diana Malan and does an annual Christmas cantata as well as special music for the Easter season. In addition, singers are welcome at our annual Ice Cream and Music Fest (usually held in July) and Music Night (held in October).
The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides handmade shawls and blankets for members of the church who are experiencing health issues or going through a variety of transitions (i.e. new baby, death of a loved one, marriage, etc.). The volunteers pray for the needs of the recipient as they make the item and then the shawl or blanket is dedicated during a worship service. The team reports to the Outreach Committee. Mary Kay Donnell is the chair of the Outreach Committee and an active leader in the Prayer Shawl ministry as well.
Building and Grounds Committee
The purpose of the Building and Grounds Committee is to be responsible for the maintenance and long-term planning for the continued upkeep of the church building and grounds. This committee is headed by Harold Clayton and Carey Jones
Their responsibilities include:
Periodic review of the church building and grounds to perform routine maintenance as needed
Recommend the Session to hire outside contractors when needed (except in case of emergency when immediate action is required)
Get approval for any project that will alter the physical appearance of the building or grounds from the Session
Develop a five-year capital improvements plan and present it to the Session
Christian Education Committee
The purpose of the Christian Education Committee is to promote, organize and direct the Christian Education activities of the Church and to provide Christian Education opportunities whenever possible. This committee is headed by Pam Kruger.
Their responsibilities include:
Approving potential teachers and curriculum
Selecting a Sunday School Recording Secretary
Approving teachers and material for Vacation Bible School
Operate and expand the use of the library
Recognize/honor teachers periodically
Music and Worship Committee
The purpose of the Music and Worship Committee is to, in conjunction with the Pastor, plan special music and activities for Sunday morning worship and all other worship experiences. This committee is headed by Jon Parsons.
Their responsibilities include:
Acquire volunteers to serve as ushers and serve as acolytes
Supervise the choir
Plan special services for Lent, Mother’s Day, Memorial Sunday, Veteran’s Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, Advent and Member Recognition Sunday
Direct and plan worship during the absence of the Pastor
Outreach Committee
The purpose of the Outreach Committee is to promote, organize and coordinate outreach activities of the church. This committee is headed by Mary Kay Donnell.
Their responsibilities include:
Support local projects like the Buddy Pack program, Hygiene kits for school social worker, etc.
Collect school supplies for local schools in August
Coordinate Salvation Army bell ringing for the church
Collect donations for Military Biblesticks, socks for the homeless, Operation Christmas Child, etc.
Support Project Graduation, especially in years we have seniors graduating
Support the Holiday Project in the Marshall community
Co-ordinate the operation of the church's Samaritan Fund (to help needy families) and Food Pantry
Plan fellowship nights
Keep the congregation aware of OUO Projects and CP missionaries and their needs
Stewardship Committee
The purpose of the Stewardship Committee is to oversee ALL that God has entrusted to us. This committee is headed by Jeff Crawford.
Their responsibilities include:
Develop an overall fiscal policy;
Evaluate all financial investments and accounts;
Develop an annual church budget to be presented to the Session;
Reconcile all expenditures to budget line items and report any deficits;
Work with the Pastoral Review Committee to recommend changes to the pastoral compensation package